Accelerating Messaging Modernization with Amazon MQ

Bhagya · October 7, 2021

Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamental

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This course is designed to help solution architects and developers who are looking to modernize their existing message-oriented middleware (MOM) or message broker architectures. You will learn the differences between traditional legacy architectures and modern messaging architectures. You will review several paths that customers may follow to modernize their messaging environments, including the benefits and costs of each approach. You will also be introduced to Amazon MQ and participate in several hands-on labs to better understand it. This fully managed message broker service uses industry-standard APIs and protocols (including JMS, NMS, AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and WebSocket).


This course includes presentations, hands-on labs, demonstrations, and videos.

Course objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

• Understand industry messaging use cases

• Understand multiple migration paths to messaging modernization

• Understand benefits of Amazon MQ

Intended audience

This course is intended for:

• Solutions architects who are designing services or architectures that are integrated with MOM or message brokers

• Software developers

• AWS Solutions Architects

• People who design cloud architectures


• Understanding of MOM or message broker concepts

Course outline

Module 1: Messaging Overview

• Messaging architectures across industries

Module 2: Path to Modernization

• Existing on-premises messaging service deployments

• Modernize and refactor entire application

• Rehost: Lift and shift systems to AWS

• Re-platform: Lift and shift + replace with managed broker

• Re-platform (hybrid): Connect legacy with modern

Module 3: Introduction to Amazon MQ

• Video: Getting Started with Amazon MQ

Module 4: Amazon MQ: Hands-on Labs

• Hands-on lab: Create a Message Broker

• Hands-on lab: Point-to-Point Messaging Using Queues

o How queues work in Amazon MQ

o How queues work when there are no receivers

o How queues behave when there are multiple receivers

o How queues work when there are multiple senders

o How work can be processed faster

• Hands-on lab: Publish-Subscribe Messaging Using Topics

o How topics work in Amazon MQ

o How to subscribe to a topic without knowing the senders

o How topics work when there are multiple receivers

o How topics work when there are multiple senders

• Hands-on lab: Message Broker Failover with High Availability

o How failover works

o How client reconnects to brokers after failover

o How messages are not lost after failover

Course Instructor


Accelerating Messaging Modernization with Amazon MQ

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Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 Hours

Difficulty: Fundamental

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