Amazon Connect: Creating and Managing Amazon Connect Instances

Bhagya · July 22, 2022

Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamental


This course is a part of the Amazon Connect curriculum. In this course, you will walk through how to create and manage an Amazon Connect instance that is customized to your contact center’s needs. The course includes the various steps and features involved with the implementation process, which can help you adjust your existing Amazon Connect instance as your company grows.

  • Course level: Fundamental
  • Duration: 60 minutes


This course includes presentations, e-learning interactions, and knowledge checks.

Course objectives

In this course, you will learn to:

  • Create an Amazon Connect instance
  • Modify Amazon Connect instance configurations
  • Recall additional features that can be added to your Amazon Connect contact center

Intended audience

This course is intended for:

  • Technical professionals who work with, or would like to work with the implementation, maintenance, and optimization of the contact center

The primary audience is small, medium, and enterprise contact center professionals. This includes those in roles of administrators, quality analysts, supervisors, call center managers, developers, and AWS partners. We assume that the audience might have general to extensive experience and knowledge of contact centers.


We recommend that attendees of this course have:

  • Completed the Introduction to Amazon Connect and the Contact Control Panel (CCP) course
  • Completed the Introduction to the Administrative Interface course
  • Experience using the AWS Management Console access to create and manage an Amazon Connect instance
  • Access to contact center and analytics data

Course outline

Module 1: Before you Create an Amazon Connect Instance

  • Overview of an Amazon Connect contact center
  • Create an AWS account
  • Overview of an Amazon Connect instance
  • Instance considerations
  • IAM permissions
  • User management
  • Regional considerations
  • AWS Partners and AWS Professional Services

Module 2: Creating an Amazon Connect Instance

  • Select a region
  • Create an instance
  • Set your identity
  • Add an administrator
  • Set telephony
  • Set data storage based on information to be stored
  • Instance review

Module 3: Modifying Instance Configurations

  • Telephony
  • Data storage
  • Data Streaming with agent event streams and contact trace records (CTRs)
  • Contact Flows with Amazon Lex and AWS Lambda
  • Analytics Tools and enable Contact Lens for Amazon Connect
  • Approved origins
  • Customer profiles
  • Configure pre-built applications for tasks
  • Wisdom
  • Voice ID

Module 4: Summary

  • Summary of each lesson
  • Course assessment
  • Additional resources

Course Instructor


Amazon Connect: Creating and Managing Amazon Connect Instances

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Course Information

Difficulty: Fundamental
